Friday, July 15, 2011

mEm0ri kembaLi

this photo is within me and my friends at Perak Matriculation College
i am presenting there on 2008 and 2009 under 1 year course of science foundation
my dream is to be a doctor
but, now it is already has changed
even i can't be a doctor
but, i will create doctors
guess who am i...??
i will be a TEACHER
the most respectful career in this world

yeah, the memory comes creeping into my mind
the precious sweet memory within them
light up my life there
i'm really miss the life
but, now, here i am
never turn back as i step in this field
everything is given to me
the allowance, hostel/place to stay, facilities
then, my responsibility is to learn and work hard
even, i;m really tired of it and sick of something
but, i realize, the reason i'm here

sometimes i'm regret being here
but, when i'm in here
i will never step out from it
if i am, all the payment must be returned back
and even my life will be ruined because i'm wasting my time
i choose to be here
hoping that my work is there waiting for me
even it's not been confirmed yet
i have waste my time 1 year and half
by taking back foundation here...
even i can go to university perhaps
but, what can i say
ALLAH lead me to choose this way
here i am....

now, i'm face everything here
from a simple into the complex one...


Aisyah Mawarddah said... juga pekerjaan yang mulia. Semoga kita dpt mendidik anak bangsa~

nOoR aSiaH said...

yeah..agree my dear.... m0ga kita p0wn dpt mendidik diri sndri dan ikhlas dalam melakukan pekerjaan nie.. muawh2!!!